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22/06/2010 - Atualizado em 23/09/2013

Empréstimo Domiciliar

Consiste na realização de empréstimo de materiais existentes no acervo das Bibliotecas do SENAI/SESI-PR, para usuários previamente cadastrados em base específica na Biblioteca. Informações de quantidade de materiais e prazos de empréstimo devem ser solicitadas pessoalmente no Balcão de Atendimento das Bibliotecas do SENAI/SESI-PR.

Alunos, professores e técnicos do SENAI/SESI-PR que desejarem emprestar materiais pertencentes aos acervos das Bibliotecas de outras cidades devem procurar informações pessoalmente no Balcão de Atendimento da Biblioteca de sua Unidade SENAI/SESI-PR. Se preferir envie e-mail para biblioteca@fiepr.org.br 


Favor enviar e-mail para biblioteca@fiepr.org.br



Ruth Weigel - Sexta-feira, 14 de Março de 2025 - 06:41:43 - Tianguis/PB

Interesting info on SENAI/SESI-PR library loans! Reminds me of managing inventory in papa's freezeria â?? gotta keep track of those resources efficiently! It would be helpful to have a table outlining loan durations and limits online, saving patrons a trip to the desk. E-mail is great, but a quick online reference would rock!

Ruth Weigel - Sexta-feira, 14 de Março de 2025 - 06:40:54 - Tianguis/PB

Interesting info on SENAI/SESI-PR library loans! Reminds me of managing inventory in papa's freezeria â?? gotta keep track of those resources efficiently! It would be helpful to have a table outlining loan durations and limits online, saving patrons a trip to the desk. E-mail is great, but a quick online reference would rock!

Percy Rempel - Quinta-feira, 13 de Março de 2025 - 22:24:53 - Toronto/AM

This is great information about SENAI/SESI-PR library loans! Knowing available materials and loan periods upfront would be helpful online. Speaking of learning new things, anyone else finds conquering virtual mountains in Snow rider game as rewarding as mastering a new skill? It's all about perseverance! Maybe the library has books to help with that!

Antonio Lamb - Quarta-feira, 12 de Março de 2025 - 22:19:11 - Florida/MS

Great info on SENAI/SESI-PR library loans! Clarifying loan limits/dates in an online FAQ would save time. Ever feel overwhelmed balancing studies and library visits? It's like playing a real-life bad parenting game managing responsibilities!

Antonio Lamb - Quarta-feira, 12 de Março de 2025 - 22:17:56 - Florida/MS

Great info on SENAI/SESI-PR library loans! Clarifying loan limits/dates in an online FAQ would save time. Ever feel overwhelmed balancing studies and library visits? It's like playing a real-life bad parenting game managing responsibilities!

bad parenting - Sexta-feira, 17 de Janeiro de 2025 - 01:43:16 - Tianguis/CE

It's interesting to note how essential it is to have clear information regarding materials and loan periods at the SENAI/SESI-PR libraries. It would be great to see an online database or app for easier access. Speaking of accessibility, have you ever heard of the Bad Parenting game? It's a fun way to navigate parenting challenges while breaking the ice on difficult topics. What do you think?

bad parenting - Sexta-feira, 17 de Janeiro de 2025 - 01:41:33 - Tianguis/CE

It's interesting to note how essential it is to have clear information regarding materials and loan periods at the SENAI/SESI-PR libraries. It would be great to see an online database or app for easier access. Speaking of accessibility, have you ever heard of the Bad Parenting game? It's a fun way to navigate parenting challenges while breaking the ice on difficult topics. What do you think?

romio clone - Quinta-feira, 02 de Janeiro de 2025 - 23:23:27 - forida/PI

That's fantastic! I appreciate everyone for sharing these wonderful experiences with me. Now, let's enjoy some time with family and friends. For some added fun, we can dive into the slope game together!

romio clone - Quinta-feira, 02 de Janeiro de 2025 - 23:19:22 - forida/PI

That's fantastic! I appreciate everyone for sharing these wonderful experiences with me. Now, let's enjoy some time with family and friends. For some added fun, we can dive into the slope game together!

PercyRempel - Segunda-feira, 23 de Dezembro de 2024 - 01:19:47 - New York/ES

It's great to see options like the Empréstimo Domiciliar at SENAI/SESI-PR! For users interested in enriching their leisure time, have you tried the Sprunki game? Itâ??s a fun way to engage while enhancing your problem-solving skills. Remember to check the lending rules and make the most of the library's resources. Sharing knowledge is what libraries are for!


Os seguintes erros foram encontrados:

    1. Os sites do Sistema Fiep incentivam a prática do debate responsável. São abertos a todo tipo de opinião. Mas não aceitam ofensas. Serão deletados comentários contendo insulto, difamação ou manifestações de ódio e preconceito;
    2. São um espaço para troca de ideias, e todo leitor deve se sentir à vontade para expressar a sua. Não serão tolerados ataques pessoais, ameaças, exposição da privacidade alheia, perseguições (cyber-bullying) e qualquer outro tipo de constrangimento;
    3. Incentivamos o leitor a tomar responsabilidade pelo teor de seus comentários e pelo impacto por ele causado; informações equivocadas devem ser corrigidas, e mal entendidos, desfeitos;
    4. Defendemos discussões transparentes, mas os sites do Sistema Fiep não se dispõem a servir de plataforma de propaganda ou proselitismo, de qualquer natureza.
    5. Dos leitores, não se cobra que concordem, mas que respeitem e admitam divergências, que acreditamos próprias de qualquer debate de ideias.