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Semana Nacional do Livro e da Biblioteca

Rio Negro

Começou dia 29 de outubro a 3ª edição da Feira do Livro no colégio SESI/SENAI Rio Negro com o apoio da Prefeitura Municipal de Rio Negro a biblioteca estendeu sua feira até o dia 1º de novembro recheada de eventos como contação de histórias e venda de livros infantis.

Bibioteca SESI/SENAI Rio Negro

Biblioteca SESI/SENAI Rio Negro

Biblioteca SESI/SENAI Rio Negro

Biblioteca SESI/SENAI Rio Negro

Biblioteca SESI/SENAI Rio Negro

Biblioteca SESI/SENAI Rio Negro



rasheedickinson - Quarta-feira, 11 de Dezembro de 2024 - 03:16:58 - New York/PI

The "Semana Nacional do Livro e da Biblioteca" celebrates the importance of literature and library advocacy in fostering education and culture. It encourages people to engage with books and share ideas. For a more dynamic exchange, some may consider using online platforms like Omegle to connect with others who share a passion for reading, creating a global dialogue about literature and its significance.

rasheedickinson - Quarta-feira, 11 de Dezembro de 2024 - 03:16:52 - New York/PI

The "Semana Nacional do Livro e da Biblioteca" celebrates the importance of literature and library advocacy in fostering education and culture. It encourages people to engage with books and share ideas. For a more dynamic exchange, some may consider using online platforms like Omegle to connect with others who share a passion for reading, creating a global dialogue about literature and its significance.

nelsonfahey - Domingo, 24 de Novembro de 2024 - 23:26:30 - New York/PI

The "Semana Nacional do Livro e da Biblioteca" celebrates the importance of books and libraries in fostering knowledge and culture. It encourages communities to explore literature and engage in discussions. Just like connecting with strangers on Omegle, where diverse ideas and perspectives are shared, this week offers a unique opportunity to connect through reading, fostering a love for literature and a deeper appreciation for libraries.

RasheedDickinson - Quarta-feira, 11 de Setembro de 2024 - 00:01:36 - usa/PA

Just like the rhythm and creativity found in friday night funkin , this event encourages us to dive into different worlds, explore new ideas, and express ourselves. Libraries provide the perfect stage for this adventure, much like a game where each level unlocks new knowledge and inspiration.

RasheedDickinson - Quarta-feira, 11 de Setembro de 2024 - 00:01:35 - usa/PA

Just like the rhythm and creativity found in friday night funkin , this event encourages us to dive into different worlds, explore new ideas, and express ourselves. Libraries provide the perfect stage for this adventure, much like a game where each level unlocks new knowledge and inspiration.

RasheedDickinson - Quarta-feira, 11 de Setembro de 2024 - 00:01:30 - usa/PA

Just like the rhythm and creativity found in friday night funkin , this event encourages us to dive into different worlds, explore new ideas, and express ourselves. Libraries provide the perfect stage for this adventure, much like a game where each level unlocks new knowledge and inspiration.

RasheedDickinson - Quarta-feira, 11 de Setembro de 2024 - 00:01:09 - usa/PA

Just like the rhythm and creativity found in friday night funkin , this event encourages us to dive into different worlds, explore new ideas, and express ourselves. Libraries provide the perfect stage for this adventure, much like a game where each level unlocks new knowledge and inspiration.

RasheedDickinson - Quarta-feira, 11 de Setembro de 2024 - 00:01:07 - usa/PA

Just like the rhythm and creativity found in friday night funkin , this event encourages us to dive into different worlds, explore new ideas, and express ourselves. Libraries provide the perfect stage for this adventure, much like a game where each level unlocks new knowledge and inspiration.

RasheedDickinson - Quarta-feira, 11 de Setembro de 2024 - 00:01:03 - usa/PA

Just like the rhythm and creativity found in friday night funkin , this event encourages us to dive into different worlds, explore new ideas, and express ourselves. Libraries provide the perfect stage for this adventure, much like a game where each level unlocks new knowledge and inspiration.

RasheedDickinson - Quarta-feira, 11 de Setembro de 2024 - 00:00:59 - usa/PA

Just like the rhythm and creativity found in friday night funkin , this event encourages us to dive into different worlds, explore new ideas, and express ourselves. Libraries provide the perfect stage for this adventure, much like a game where each level unlocks new knowledge and inspiration.


Os seguintes erros foram encontrados:

    1. Os sites do Sistema Fiep incentivam a prática do debate responsável. São abertos a todo tipo de opinião. Mas não aceitam ofensas. Serão deletados comentários contendo insulto, difamação ou manifestações de ódio e preconceito;
    2. São um espaço para troca de ideias, e todo leitor deve se sentir à vontade para expressar a sua. Não serão tolerados ataques pessoais, ameaças, exposição da privacidade alheia, perseguições (cyber-bullying) e qualquer outro tipo de constrangimento;
    3. Incentivamos o leitor a tomar responsabilidade pelo teor de seus comentários e pelo impacto por ele causado; informações equivocadas devem ser corrigidas, e mal entendidos, desfeitos;
    4. Defendemos discussões transparentes, mas os sites do Sistema Fiep não se dispõem a servir de plataforma de propaganda ou proselitismo, de qualquer natureza.
    5. Dos leitores, não se cobra que concordem, mas que respeitem e admitam divergências, que acreditamos próprias de qualquer debate de ideias.